Monday’s Prayer — September 18, 2023

LORD, You are my everything.

It’s the start of a brand new week and I’m so glad I have Your company. With You I am more than a conqueror. Thank You for preparing and empowering me to face all that lies ahead.

Let me do the things I have been putting off, LORD. Give me a spirit of diligence and completion. Fill me with passion to do Your work and empower me to be effective in all that I do.

Bless those who are in the midst of transitions, Father Mother God. Shepherd them in the right directions and give them strength for their journeys. Keep them in Your perfect peace.

I am in such awe of Your grace and mercy. I can’t believe I have them chasing me. I’m so glad You never forget about me. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
