Friday’s Prayer - January 22, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for reaching through space and time and sin and doubt to save me. It is glorious simply to be in your presence. Bless me so that I may always commune with you oh Lord.

Shower me with healing today throughout my medical tests. You are the doctor who has never lost a patient and I rely on you for my life and breath. I come boldly before your throne of grace requesting complete and lasting health. Yet not my will, but thy will be done.

Thank you for the sun and brightness of the day. Yet even if the skies were covered, let me always enjoy the light of your son Jesus to bring a smile to my lips and a spring to my step. Help me to remember that Jesus is with me always. 

Thank you for the joy you have placed in my heart; and ever-flowing spring of salvation that can not be taken away. Bless me so that I may reflect your spirit to others. Then my joy will be made complete.

It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

